We Were Right On The German Documentary Just Like We Were Right On Harry’s Visa Case & We Will Continue to Be Right Wether They Like Us Or Not
Shove it down their throats.
The one thing that I can truly say is the most astonishing in my point of view is literally seeing creators constantly being wrong, but then their audiences continue to listen to them, but yet since me being an asshole turns people off even when I’m right, they refuse to want give me the credit, so I’ll do it now and I’ll give myself the credit. Because ultimately it really does dispel the illusion that people are searching for truth when in reality they’re searching for comfort and lies that appease their own biases.
The biggest things POV has been right on that nobody else was. NOBODY.
Prince Harry Is The King’s Son
When it came to the client’s visa issues and the heritage foundation beginning their freedom of information request back in 2023 we at POV were the only ones to say “Harry is the king’s son and we’re not going to find out anything about his visa information because of politics and the geopolitical Landscape.”
A prediction that was met with nothing but backlash in the comments from people of the Megxit community, who live in a fantasy world where big Spring surprises aren’t actually surprises but scams for a book that was pushed by a grifting YouTuber, but ultimately that was a prediction that ended up being true.
We saw it play out in front of our eyes, and nobody had the balls to be able to say “yes Andrew, you were right it’s because Harry is the king son” so I will.
I was right, Harry is the King’s Son.
We said Biden was protecting him and even worse now with the prospect of Trump becoming president. People have still continued their fantasy that Harry’s visa documents will be made public and I will say it again that’s not gonna happen because this is bigger than just Biden or Trump.
We will be right again in the future and people won’t have the balls to admit that we were right.
The German Documentary Was Not Going to Be an Exposè
When this German documentary was originally announced months ago, we at POV were the only ones to claim that it wasn’t gonna be an Exposè. It was just going to end up being another puff piece on the part of the two morons, and it was even confirmed when we got the description from ZDF, the mainstream network in Germany, that the documentary was ultimately just gonna be a kiss ass of the client.
Another prediction where we were proven correct that was given a multitude of backlash by the people, yet we were right anyway.
We at POV take solace in knowing that we’re right in our reporting, and I take even more solace in knowing that the only reason people can’t give us credit is because they don’t have the balls to admit that we’re right.
The reason for that?
Because we’re the asshole.
Because just like Rick Sanchez says in the TV show Rick and Morty
"Being nice is something stupid people do to hedge their bets.” To which Morty Replied” And you're still the same asshole, but now you're right, and nobody will give you the satisfaction."
This perfectly encapsulates Rick's cynical worldview—acknowledging that being right doesn't always come with validation, especially if you're perceived as unlikable or abrasive.
Because that’s how losers are, they hate it when the asshole is right all the time. So we at POV will continue to be right, meanwhile the same people will continue to be wrong or flat out lie to their audience. I’d rather be here than ever do that.
That’s Why We’re Better.
Yes, AndrewPOV did point out Harry being the King's son nothing will happen to his visa inquiry. AndrewPOV did point out the German's documentary is a NOTHING BURGER, and he is right.
For AndrewPOV to point these out really prepare us POV Community not to feel too let down and too disappointed of the outcomes.
Yes, H is the Kings son, as as much as we would like it, Charles will never distance himself from his son. I even believe that there is still money running from daddy to darling boy.