Prince Harry ran to the Uk after Charles diagnosis as a PR Stunt: POLL
It’s official, Harry is a PR centered dbag.
Well it looks like the recent trip across the pond for Prince Harry, is seen by many in the public as a straight up PR stunt and not a sign that he actually cares about his father.
According to an all new Poll of 3900 people 97% agree that Harry’s trip abroad that the media painted as “Prince Harry rushed to his fathers side” are seeing it as what it really is….a PR Stunt.
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What can be said is that just days before Harry “rushing” to King Charles side as the pro Harry media put it, the headlines were full of Prince Harry’s African Parks Atrocities Scandal, and today? Now after The Royal Deflection Tour, nothing. Harry is seen by the public that don’t know any better as a son that’s trying to see his cancer stricken father, but we that are paying attention know, Harry did what he did all to make himself look better.
Royal commentator Meghan’s mole
says “Harry is a d*** Who used the Charles medical diagnosis and a self serving PR move to paint himself as a compassionate son..
Just last week in Jamaica, Harry was told “he was looking good” his reply” I got away from that family”
Harry can take his fake cares and sit on them.”
Man, I wish he'd take that hamster off his head.