Prince Harry and Meghan Markle FAKED NYPD Letter: Poll
We never think two morons can go any lower and they always do.
Well the public has spoken and the public believes that the two morons did in fact FAKE the NYPD letter than was sent to the UK High Court for the clients security case.
In an all new POV Poll of 3500 people 99% believe, which is odd because on every poll we’ve ever ran there are always at least 4-5% of people that go against our polls which means this even includes Meghan’s Morons, the two idiots faked the letter from the NYPD to the UK court.
This really this isn’t even a matter of “oh I have hard evidence to prove this and I’ve dug deep to find out” no this is just another “oh jeez they did something else”
The alleged real letter was from the NYPD & entered in a UK court case by the two morons and it claims that arrests COULD(which means they won’t) soon be made in the dangerous paparazzi chase they were involved in last year — but according to sources to The NYPost there is not sufficient evidence to charge anyone.
A British court, as part of its decision to deny the client taxpayer funded security, cited a formal letter from the NYPD to London’s Metropolitan Police that claimed paparazzi had been “reckless” and “persistently dangerous” in their pursuit of the Sussexes through Manhattan last May even though we know none of that is true, it was still attempted to be lobbied in court for the clients security. A total fabrication.
A comment on the NYP article reads “Court records: "135. On the last day of the hearing before me, Ms Fatima KC produced a copy of a letter dated December 6 2023 from the Chief of Intelligence in the New York City Police Department.
The Chief of Intelligence says that he wishes to....”
Thomas Galati retired as Chief of Intelligence in July 2023 and was replaced by Rebecca Weinstein. Her job title is Deputy Commissioner, Intelligence and Counterterrorism Bureau.”
So it’s not difficult to surmise that again, these two morons have attempted to fabricate their way to getting what they want, because if this was any other celebrity we’d easily give them the benefit of the doubt but with these two morons, no.
Disbar the shitty lawyer and charge the two morons with fraud and submitting false evidence. They should be in the Tower.
Why isnt the nypd going after them for purgery. This is total disrept for America send the grifters anywhere other than here