Prince Harry African Parks Charity RESPONDS…..Kinda
This was the most lame, corporate, rich people corrupt charity statement that could’ve been put out, and it’s not surprising in the slightest.
Well isn’t that a pretty picture. The charity that is currently allowing the atrocities in Africa to occur have now come out and made a statement that basically sounds like a politician telling everyone “we’re dealing with it but not really.”
The statement reads: African Parks shares everybody’s deep concern and distress about the publication of allegations of human rights atrocities in Odzala Kokoua National Park in Congo, on the 27th of January.
These allegations are shocking and have had our full attention since we were first made aware of them in June 2023. Several immediate actions have been taken since June, including the commissioning of an independent legal investigation of all allegations, which is underway.
While we understand the desire for more expedient action, it is important that this investigation is done thoroughly, professionally and with due sensitivity to any potential victims.
Firstly “African Parks shares everybody’s deep concern and distress about the publication of allegations of human rights atrocities” yes I do agree you have deep concern and distress because this scandal has completely blown up so big that you had to actually come out and make a statement.
“These allegations are shocking” how?
They knew about them already. They’re saying they’re shocked as if it just happened and they had no idea. The entire public knows you knew before this thing blew up in your face.
“Several immediate actions have been taken since June, including the commissioning of an independent legal investigation of all allegations” ok? And? What is an investigation supposed to do? And even if the investigation bears fruit does anyone really think a corrupt charity like this would actually hold people accountable? I know I don’t think so.
“While we understand the desire for more expedient action, it is important that this investigation is done thoroughly, professionally and with due sensitivity to any potential victims.” They just told us “we can’t do anything” with more words. There was no point in any of that. The whole statement is a damn Joke…
This is a joke, Prince Harry is a joke. That charity is a corrupt joke. All of it. It’s all one big joke.
I am more than disgusted by the lack of action. Words are just words. Harry and Magan don't care as long as the pay checks keep coming. I guess Magan is only interested in racial injustice in Harry's family and when it affects her.
Well done, POV. I would have to see and hear from those victims themselves, before I believe anything. And that's what Harry could have done. Instead, they're going to go and victimize some more veterans out of their money. Oh, the poor bodies of those hurt Africans!