Photoshop? You Wanna Talk About Photoshop? Let’s Talk About Harry Photoshopping His Hair Not Once But Twice!
The client has to Photoshop his way to having hair.
First off…Here’s the client yesterday at the bbq place that him and MEGGG visited, so you can see him now.
Now, In the wake of Princess Catherine all-new Mothers Day UK photos being given a Kill Notice by multiple high level photog agencies including Getty, Reuters & The AP, since they wanna talk about Photoshop then let’s talk about some Photoshop. I bring to you yet another photoshopped pic of Harry’s Hair.
He put out a promo for the the Living Legends of Aviation Awards back in January, this photo which flew under the radar shows him with a full head of hair. This was released on social media during the entire AWARD BUYING SCANDAL era.
Of course this isn’t the first time the client has photoshopped his head. Back in April of 2023 he did the exact same thing with a new head shot that was dropped on the website of the mental health “transformation” firm BetterUp — where he was showing off a mysteriously dark, thick crop of hair.
Moving weeks forward in time to a moment at the kings coronation in Britain in May.
You can see Prince Harry from an angel high view looking down and well, shall we say, it’s not as flattering as his photoshopped pics huh?
This is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the two morons pushing. So even with all this talk of Kensington Palace “photoshopping an image” it looks like we have to remind the world that the Prince has attempted and will always attempt to photoshop his way to having a full head of hair.
They've literally never released a picture that isn't photoshopped.
These people do not stop! The hypocrisy of every thing g they do . Nothing is real. They are truly in a different universe. Harry is bald and Megsie is old!!!