Meghan Markle Spoke of Bullying and Harassment at SXSW Panel….Well Let’s Show The World Who Sussex Squad Really Are
It’s the Meghan’s Morons who are the true toxicity on social media.
Yesterday at the hour long borefest that was basically just Meghan Markles paid soapbox to cry about her critics on social media, funded by her and the clients Archwell(scam) foundation, Meghan Markle said “The bulk of the bullying and the abuse that I was experiencing in social media and online was when I was pregnant — with Archie and with Lili — and with a newborn with each of them.”
Which is interesting, because as per usual she left out her own fans. Let’s take a look at the abusive and hateful rhetoric perpetrated by the Meghan’s Morons.
So this doctored photo of Princess Catherine having been beaten to a pulp and it being blamed by conspiracy on Prince William isn’t bullying and or hate right Meghan?
So this death threat to the Royal family admitting to only wanting to K “just the ones in line for the Royal family” that’s not hatred and abuse MEGGG? No, of course it’s not.
This Meghan’s Moron implying that the Royal Family are inbred and that Prince Andrew would do sexual things to Princess Charlotte, that’s not abuse and hate right Meghan? No of course it’s not.
Last but definitely not least, this gem. Back when apple still had the water gun emoji. So this, Meghan Markle I’m talking directly to you, this isn’t hate and abuse toward Princess Catherine? No of course it’s not.
What this latest fail by THE MEGGG showed is that nothing has or will ever change. Meghan Markle is a con artist. Meghan Markle is a Liar. A constant victim, ajd worst of she purposely misleads the public to continue to paint herself as the one being attacked when just from these vile examples alone, show she’s full of it. It is her fans that are abusive, toxic and racist. Not the anti-Meghan community.
The world definitely needs to see just how evil and hateful her and her morons are!! Let us know what you need help with getting this out there.
I wish those with receipts would come forward and expose Medusa Markle for all of the nasty ,vile comments that she not only condones but pays for