Media Personality Narinda Kaur Plays The Race Card and Victim Card All In One Day Gets Ratioed 257 Likes to 1.3k Comments(at Time of This Report)
She continues to dig her grave.
As if today couldn’t get any worse for this Narinda person she had to literally play the race card and the victim card all in one day. Which just shows you exactly why she’s on Megan’s Markle side because that’s what those people do over there. They play every single card they possibly can when they have screwed up this bad.
To remind you, this woman tried to attack princess Catherine about her looking aged on her latest appearance, which is the first appearance after her chemotherapy and cancer diagnosis, and she ended up getting wrecked by the people in the Megxit topic.
this has been quite easily one of the most embarrassing moments on Twitter that I’ve seen in a very long time where this woman got 113,000 views and she got raced so hard from 257 likes to 1.3 thousand comments that she truly had no choice but to run the race card or the victim card. This was bad.
As much as I want to copy this entire tweet down and put it into the report that I’m writing you can read it and just the greasy grimy nature of the way that this woman talks is literally the embodiment of Meghan Markle and that entire political side and this is talking about American red versus blue. I’m talking about an international view and mindset where they’ll try and play the victim in anyway that they can and when all else fails they’ll just play the race card.
“You just wanted to hang me” no darlin, you hung yourself.
Then even digging her hole deeper, she begins to play the victim card as if people are attacking her for her stupid opinion on the princess of Wales during her appearance at remembrance Day.
This isn’t surprising considering who we’re talking about she’s on the side of Meghan Markle. She acts exactly like Meghan Markle and this is just how these people are whenever they do something stupid not only do they not apologize but they double down. And make it worse for themselves.
She then even went to the extreme of quote tweeting a notorious pro- Meghan Markle account that is literally so bad there are part of a group that has attacked anti-Meghan Markle people such as Megan‘s mole. And as you can see that name, Benjamin Cannell is an apparently the name of the husband of a creator in the megxit topic.
It just truly shows you who this woman is she’s another person with an important job that is horrible at her job but only gets her job because of her position against the monarchy.
Why can’t she spell ‘aging’? Some people just cannot stop causing trouble whatever they do. The toxic strange ones are always against good people. Those X or YT or whatever platform megsie lovers are psychopaths and very dangerous.
I wonder how much Mrs Mattress pays her to crawl up her a$$ and grab that race card? That card is wearing mighty thin and it’s about to expire.