Mask Slip: Lady C Goes Off on Commenter Asking About Go Fund Me Money for Tom Markle Sr. - VIDEO
Wow! That was unexpected.
There’s always something that happens with creators of any topic on YouTube when they fake their persona as being some type of nice, caring, loving person…..Eventually the mask slips……Just like Meghan Markle.
From the reaction that she gave to the commenter, it seems very obvious that there is a nerve underneath that topic meaning that there is some Tom foolery going on.
Lady C is not my cup of tea for video, so slow and so long wind. She started the GoFundMe for Thomas Markle Sr. health cost I heard, I guess she got outrage for any criticism or speculation on that subject. Best to not get Lady C started.
Wow. She can be outraged in such an elegant way. Totally unAmercan!. I'm thinking I didn't get the drift of this post. Sorry